Night choices

It might be a cave.

Perhaps a pit,

A chasm,

A long, dusty hallway shrouded in deep shadow,

A door to a dark basement.

Whatever the shape

It will be dark.


Fears live best unseen.


You will be weary,

Tired to the bone.

Wobbling and weaving on shaking legs.


Fears feed on exhaustion


There will be reasons.



The whispering voices of experience and common sense.


Fears sound almost like truth.


Two choices.



Rest where you are,

In the tiny pool of light,

Listening to the whispers of reason.




Stride off into the dark woods,

Into the cave,

Down into the chasm,

Beyond the hill.


Daylight waits beyond the hill.


Stitch by stitch,

I’ve made my garment.

Stitch  by stitch,

Layer by layer,

Armor made of fears,

Carefully gathered over a lifetime of hesitations.


Fear is wisdom paralyzed.


Stitch by stitch